Knit and Crochet in the New Year 2009

First of all, I would like to greet all of you with Happy New Year 2009.

This year I decided to practice my knit again. If it wasn’t because I wanted to learn how to knit, I don’t think I will find my passion in crocheting. The reason I learn to knit again is because each time I see knit wearable patterns I always want to be able to make it. It just I’m not patient enough to deal with drop stitches and when there’s a miscount in pattern, it’s harder to undo the mistake compared to crochet.

Smock Dishcloth with yarn and needleSmock Dishcloth - WS

Anyway, before new year, we moved to the new unit and I need more dishcloths, coasters and hot pad. So, this is a good reason to try to make them (knit or crochet).

I chose the smock dishcloth pattern since it only need knit and purl and a little bit slip knit to make the smock. It took me 3 days to finish this dishcloth 🙁 . I must be very slow in knitting. I was lucky there was no drop stitches while I was making this dishcloth.

Daisy Square as DishclothIn the middle of making the knit dishcloth, I had 1 daisy square from krochet krystal that was almost finish, so I continued it a little bit and decided to use it as dishcloth also.

Tired of knitting, I made something in crochet again. I chose flower hot pad pattern, and I used the same maroon yarn that I used on smock dishcloth. The flower hot pad is very easy and I finished it only in a few hours. My speed in crochet is way faster than knit, but I will not give up to knit again.

Flower Hot PadFlower Coaster

Anyway, I almost forget that I made 2 flower coasters on December last year. The coaster pattern was also very simple and easy to make.

If you are interested with the patterns of things that I’ve made here, they are all free. Just click the name of the pattern above.







12 responses to “Knit and Crochet in the New Year 2009”

  1. linda Avatar

    wow keren2 euy
    duh sampe sekarang blm bisa bikin crochetkrystal euy 🙁

  2. Risna Avatar

    makasih Linda, bikin atuh yg krochet krystal, rasanya petunjuk dia yang gambar step by step cukup jelas kok, sekali bikin ntar ketagihan loh 🙂

  3. Lina Avatar

    Hello Mbak Rina,

    Salam kenal….. saya Lina…tinggal di pancoran jakarta selatan… saya belum lama join mari merajut… lihat rajutan mbak Rina ampe terkagum-kagum…saat ini aku belum bisa knitting, rencananya baru mau kursus.. kalo crocheting saya dah lumayan d…. tapi lihat hasilnya Mbak Rina….aduhhhhh kayaknya pengen banget bisa knitting………

  4. risna Avatar

    Halo mbak Lina, salam kenal juga, nama saya Risna bukan Rina hehe.. aduh saya baru belajar setaun kok merajut lagi. Saya baru belajar knit juga kok mbak, ayo kita belajar sama-sama, dimilis merajut juga banyak tuh yg buka kursus di jakarta jadi bisa ketemuan. Atau kalau ga ikutan ngumpul ama Linda di Miki Moko tiap weekend aja, kemungkinan ada tuh yang bisa knit. Kalau saya belajarnya banyakan liat di internet sih mbak.

  5. antie Avatar

    gile ……………gile banget hasilnya ris,pengen donk diajarin darimana aja free pattern,karena aku paling ga bisa baca pattern tulisan hu…huh…huu……..

  6. risna Avatar

    mau bikin yang mana antie? esensi dari belajar baca pattern tulisan adalah belajar mengeja hehe.. diikuti satu persatu petunjuknya sambil liat gambar hasil jadi :), kalau disuruh bikin sesuatu yang ga ada hasil jadinya saya juga sulit bacanya. free pattern ada banyaaak dimana-mana, saya sering nyarinya dari

  7. mei che Avatar

    naksiiir semuanya … tapi speed gw lagi sipuuut banget …

  8. risna Avatar

    hihi tuh yang flower coaster ga butuh speed kok, “cuma” beberapa baris hihihi..

  9. Lina Avatar

    Mbak Risna… sorry salah nyebut nama niy…
    Thank you atas sarannya… ntar mau nyoba contact mbak Linda…

  10. ekspekt Avatar

    interesting post, will come back here, bookmarked your site

  11. Lienz Avatar

    kalo mw kursus knitting di daerah jakarta barat, kira2 dmana y..??
    Mohon informasi nya,,,

    1. risna Avatar

      wah ntar saya tanya dulu deh ama temen2 saya yg ada di Jakarta. Yang pasti sih di miki moko setiap hari jumat ada ketemu perajut

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