New Hobby on 2009

Tissue Box CoverI never thought my self as a someone who will do handcrafts. My sense of art is just so so, but yet recently I found myself enjoying doing some handcrafts.

Since I started knitting I also started crocheting, and since then I always have so many things that I  want to do, slowly but surely I try to made my to-do list.

I’ve always wanted to make a tissue box cover. I thought I would crochet it. I also wanted to buy a sewing machine. I thought a sewing machine will help me to make some bag lining or to repair some clothes that needed to mend. I never have a picture in my mind that I will patient enough to make some quilting.

Sewing MachineSewing MachineSewing MachineSewing Machine

Anyway, a few days ago, my husband who always encourage me with all my passions, agreed to buy me a  sewing machine.

The brand is Elvira and the type is Diana, it is computerized, automatic and have 55 different stitches. I cannot found any reference about this brand on internet but the shop provide free membership along with the warranty for 2 years. The membership means free lessons and discount 10 percent to buy  the sewing materials. The previous name of this brand is Elna-Elvira that is made in Swiss.

To combine what I wanted, I made this tissue box  cover using the brand new sewing machine as my first project on the sewing course. At first I thought sewing is much easier compared to crochet or knitting, but then I found out it’s not as easy as I thought before. For someone who never used a sewing machine before, sewing straight lines is not easy, sewing  6 heart applications is a big challenge, yet I enjoyed it.

I plan to write how to make the tissue box cover when I make the next one. I forgot to take any pictures while making this one. Yes I also plan to make others quilt and sewing projects.






8 responses to “New Hobby on 2009”

  1. dea Avatar

    Wowwwwww :O
    mengaku keduluan hehehe.. ๐Ÿ˜€
    semoga si Gadis Penyanyi pun dapat berbakti dengan baik ya seperti si Diana (lucu ya dah ada namanya :D)

  2. Risna Avatar

    Dea: nama lengkapnya ada malah tuh, Diana Elvira hihihi. Ah bukan masalah bakti mesinnya, ownernya aja kali yg tiba-tiba melirik crochet :P. Mungkin emang urutannya harus crochet dulu kali ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Vera Avatar

    Cin, keren euy mesin jahitnya….

  4. Risna Avatar

    ayo neng mper beli mesin jait juga ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. petra Avatar

    ntar kalo ada eksperimen, kirim2 lagi ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. sri Avatar

    lam kenal nich mba, kalo di jakarta berapa ya harga mesinnya

  7. denia Avatar

    keren juga tuh mesin nya.. harganya berapa? Ada gak secondnya Elna 8600 ato 8300?

    1. risna Avatar

      Kemarin sih belinya 16800 baht, wah ga tau ya soal second, coba di googling aja. Kalau situsnya Elvira ada di:

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