Author: risna

  • Another Work-In-Progress Finished

    I started this project in September last year, and after quite some time I didn’t play with my hook. I thought I will stay with my hook, but I was wrong. These last 3 days, I was in the good mood in crocheting. Finally another work-in-progress from last year is finished. The Mystery Crochet Along…

  • Crocheted Shawl Finally Finish

    After more than a year as WIP, finally I finished this crocheted shawl. What can I say, I’m too lazy to do any craft recently. I feel relieved, because I thought I will never finish this shawl with my very slow speed. I hope my dear friend will be happy with this very late gift…

  • Crochet bukan sekedar merenda

    Saya ingin menyatakan bahwa kata kata merenda tidak tepat untuk crochet, karena akan menimbulkan kerancuan baru terhadap merenda kerawang. Alasan saya: KBBI tidak mencantumkan bahwa rajut itu knit dan renda itu crochet. Kalaupun ada penjelasan perajut menggunakan sepasang kawat lurus, perlu diperhatikan knit tidak semata-mata menggunakan sepasang kawat lurus, terkadang bisa menggunakan 4 jarum, atau…

  • Block your crochet piece!

    Dari awal merajut saya sudah sering dengar tentang blocking untuk finishing dari hasil rajutan. Blocking ini ada berbagai teknik, tapi teknik apapun itu saya malas melakukannya. Ada berbagai alasan saya untuk tidak melakukannya, tapi alasan utamanya terlalu malas hehe.

  • New Doily in New Year 2010

    New Doily in New Year 2010

    I started this on December 2009, but since I have a new baking hobby (it is always good to learn a new skill), I just finished it in this new year 2010. I got the pattern from one of the Thai magazines that I had for some time. The instructions are in Thai and in…

  • Dutchman’s Puzzle Quilt Block

    Today I learned to sew dutchman’s puzzle quilt. I took some pictures while making it. This is the example that was provided by the teacher. I have to make  8 big triangles and 16 small triangles and assembled it into one big square. This is how my result compared to the example. My result is…

  • Baby Granny Jacket

    The problem with having more than 1 blog and a few social networking to maintain is, sometimes you forgot what  you published or not published yet. Well some of you might still remember I post about this socks in my previous post. I manage to made a granny jacket with the same color. This baby…

  • Menjahit ritsleting alias zipper

    Ada bermacam-macam jenis zipper, dan ada bermacam-macam pula cara menjahitnya tergantung untuk apa. Beberapa waktu lalu saya belajar menjahit ritsleuting jenis biasa dan contohnya untuk dijahit di rok atau untuk cushion cover. Berikut ini langkah-langkahnya. 1. lipat bagian kanan dan kiri kain dengan bagian luar saling berhimpit. Beri tanda pada kain mulai dari ujung atas…