About few months ago I went to spotlight Singapore on my way back to Chiang Mai. I saw this loom knitting set but I still hesitated to buy it. I don’t think I really want this tools. The price is quite cheaper compared to the price on Amazon.
A few weeks after I arrived in Chiang Mai, I started to regret my decision not buying the looms. I asked my dear cousin who live in Singapore to help me to buy the looms. On beginning of this month finally these looms arrived at my home *yay*. My cousin said I don’t have to pay for the looms, she wanted to give it to me as my birthday gift (my bday was on October).
I am so happy and I started the first project immediately. I made a baby hat that night. I followed the video tutorial I found on YouTube.
I embed the video here. This is not my tutorial, I just embed to share it with you guys.
When Joe saw me how easy it is to use knitting loom, he said he wanted to make something for his gadget. He asked me to teach him. He finished this small bag for his gadget only in 2 nights. He made this while he read something on his computer screen
While Joe were making his loom project, I started another project. I made something flat using loom. This is not as fast as baby hat or gadget bag, but this is absolutely faster than knitting with the needles. I am not good in knitting. I always experience drop stitches and struggle to fixed it and get frustrated most of the time with the drop stitches.
Anyway for the tutorial to making flat things with loom, I followed the tutorial from here:
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