Baby Granny Jacket

The problem with having more than 1 blog and a few social networking to maintain is, sometimes you forgot what  you published or not published yet.

Well some of you might still remember I post about this socks in my previous post.

Baby Socks

I manage to made a granny jacket with the same color. This baby jacket and baby sock arrived safely in my hometown Medan. Yes I made those for my new nephew. Actually this is not the first time for me to make a baby granny jacket. I modified from my memory making the first one. This time I just modified the collar part.

Baby Granny Jacket

I use smaller type of yarn for this second time, and I have to add more rows to make the size ok. Actually I’m just guessing the size. My nephew was born premature, I’m sure this jacket will be too big for him and will fit on him until he is 1 year old.

The first time I made baby granny jacket is on December last year as a gift for one of the security lady in our apartment. I get the basic pattern from Hexagon Granny Baby Jacket. I modified the collar, cuff and the bottom part of the jacket. I posted this on my multiply, and it made me forget to blog it here.

Baby Jacket

This is the detail of the collarBaby Jacket

Baby Jacket

The detail picture of the front side. I used hdc stitch and for the second row I took only the front loop of previous hdc row.










The detail picture of the cuff. I use using fpdc and bpdc stitch here.

Baby Jacket

And I also use bpdc and fpdc for the bottom part of the jacket

Baby Jacket

Anyway, making this baby granny jacket is very easy once you know how to fold the hexagon part to be half of the jacket. You can add the body part after you fold it if you want to have the body part is longer than the sleeve.

I believe you can find many instructions how to do this around internet, so I won’t make the instructions for you (lazy me :P). Just play with the color, but If you are too lazy to change the yarn color, I think it’s still okay to use single color.






4 responses to “Baby Granny Jacket”

  1. sinta Avatar

    salam kenal mba….crochetnya rapi bgt…. itu pk benang apa ya?? kl crochet doily pk benang kecil minta ampun deh…sakit mata mba…aku sih yg aman2 aja pk benang sedeng…kl sempet mampir di blog ku ya…liat2 hasil buatan ku, bln pernah bkn baju…

    1. risna Avatar

      Halo mbak Sinta, aku dah ngintip blognya, ga bikin baju tapi bikin throw melulu ya, aku malah belum pernah bikin yang besar-besar. Terus benang2nya yummy juga tuh yang di blognya. Untuk pertanyaan soal benang, kalau granny baby jaket yg hijau pake benang katun bali, ukurannya untuk jarum crochet 2.5 mm, terus kalau yang bawah yg biru-kuning itu pake benang agak lebih besar, pake jarum 5 mm. Btw kalau doily pake benang besar kurang sip aja jadinya, tapi ya emang sih bikin sakit mata kadang2, tapi pas kelar lupa sakit matanya, malah pengen bikin lagi 😀

  2. YUNI Avatar

    Salam kenal,.. mb, rapi sekali jakcketnya. aku pernah bikin pake benang katun lokal (li fung) dengan hakken no 3, tapi hasilnya kok mini banget ya, padahal sudah ngikutin pola di bukunya mb. Thata, gak ditambah ato dikurangi.Biasanya tarikanku kenceng biar rapi,jadi mengkeret deh ukurannya

    1. risna Avatar

      @yuni: Salam kenal juga, pola yg saya ikutin bukan dari buku Thata pang, tapi basically sama sama aja sih, cuma beda jumlah rantainya dan cara join tiap puteran. Mungkin bisa dicoba untuk melonggarkan tarikannya?

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