Neck Warmer from Bookmark Pattern

neckwarmer2-fold Another neck warmer for my cousin :). When she saw my new yarn treasure in my other blog (in Indonesia language), she pointed specific yarn to use to make her neck warmer (yes she requested for 2 neck warmers). The first one is finished and received safely by her (and she use it proudly ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

This second one is just finished after we came back from our travel ( I am just too lazy to upload it right away). neckwarmer1-notfold 

Inspired by Fenny and mbak Thata, my friends from DC groups, I used bookmark pattern designed by mbak Thata which I bought from craft and me few months ago and make it as neck warmer. I used the leaf motif with bulky yarn and for the edging I use Maroon viscose (the same yarn to make the side of my Valentine Bag).

Actually this is like a short shawl or whatever you would like to call it :), but the purpose is to make her feels warm yet stylish.

The picture here are only example how to use it, you can fold it or not fold it. Here I put the one side inside the hole between two leaves on the other side. The hole is just perfect to replace button hole, so I don’t need to put button on this neck warmer. Or you can add a little brooch or anything you like.






7 responses to “Neck Warmer from Bookmark Pattern”

  1. Lina Avatar

    cakep buanget ris…warnanya juga aku suka…aku paling suka sama pemilihan warnamu..selalu keren..

  2. linda Avatar

    wah bener2 nih mbak kompornya panas ya ๐Ÿ™‚
    cantik mbak neck warmernya ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yuliazmi Avatar

    Keren…. ini pakai slit ya buat nyelipin ujung satunya
    **jadi inget Mamacat**

  4. Niken Avatar

    cantik banget ris…:) bener2 udah kepanasan nih kompornya he..he..

  5. thata Avatar


  6. risna Avatar

    Mbak Lina: yang milih warnanya itu yg mesen heheh ๐Ÿ™‚
    Linda: makasih yah, iya nih kompormu gimana udah panas lagi belum
    Mbak Yuli: iya mbak diselipin gitu ujungnya, jadi ga repot hehe
    Mbak Thata: makasih mbak, desain siapa dulu mbak, mbak kan ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Dea Avatar

    Mbak-mbak semuanya,
    iya.. sayang yang mesen..
    saya sepupunya yang mesen DUA
    (hiihi, meski tak tahu diri tapit tetep mesen :P)
    soalnya bagus sih ๐Ÿ˜€ tak ada duanya ๐Ÿ™‚

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